Hand Pump Installation at Khardia Village
Background of Khardia Village Khardia village is situated at Kantharia P
Background of Khardia Village
Khardia village is situated at Kantharia Panchayat of Jhadol block. In this village RBKS and Wells for India, UK completed watershed project during April 2008- September 2011. Pargi fala is one hamlet of Khardia village and at the time of Handpump installation having 42 household and 182 populations. Earlier they were depend on open well for drinking water. Women have to walk1 to 2 km. to fetch water and it need around one hour for one pot of water. They need minimum 5 to 6 pot of water for a day and 5 to 6 hour used to fetch water everyday. If in night the water is over then they have no option for drinking water and will remain feeling thirsty. Beside this they take bath once in every 3 to 4 day. One nearby Handpump is in another hamlet at the distance of 3 km and around 70 families are depend on that so sometime they have to wait for one hour also.
Intervention through Handpump installationPargi fala community contact to our staff and VDC during meeting and share their drinking water problems in detail. Then the VDC decide that they have one handpump and if it installed in that fala it will serve better to the families of the Pargi fala. Our staff along with VDC member organised a meeting with the pargi fala community and see the real condition of the fala. Then finally VDC, Khardia decides to install Handpump at Pargi fala. Community agree to maintain the handpump and Handpump is installed near checkweir at pargi fala (Hamlet).
To assess the outcome of the Hanpump installation activity we had a discussion with the community and their responses are:
• Jivli Bai w/o Prithviraj PargiEarier she has to walk one km. to fetch water
which need one hour and also need rope and bucket to take water from
well.To fill one pot they need one hour. In night also if the water is over they
cannot go to well in night. Now the condition is changed water is available
near home which is benefiting family and cattle. Handpump water is used
for domestic purpose and drinking water.
• Geeta d/o Mohanlal PargiEarlier they bring water from khardia fala
handpump which is at 1 km far and it required 1 to 1 ½ hour. Water was also
not available during summer therefore they take bath once in every 3 to 4
day. Now our 6 family members, 2 big animals and 6 small animals are
getting benefit from the new handpump. If it requires repairing then we will
collect money from all beneficiaries and will repair it.
• Ambavi bai w/o Mava pargiAmbavi bai bring water from Melavadi fala
which is 1 ½ km far and they started to bring water from Khardia which is
1km far. They spent 1 to 2 hour to bring one pot of water and daily they
need 5 pot water. Family pressure is high on this handpump so sometime
they have to wait for one hour at the handpump. Now children can bring
water for the house. For cattle also the facility is available, many cattle are
drinking water of the village. Family have 7 member, 7 big animal and 4 small
• Hakri Bai w/o Moti Lal PargiHakri bai walk to School fala or Melavadi fala or
panvadi fala to fetch water from well which is at the distance of1 ½ km to 2
km. She used rope and bucket to take water from well. It affects on palm.
She need 1 to 2 hour daily to bring water one time and totally she is
engaged 5 hour in this work. Drinking water for cattle is available at 2 km
far and if cattle is not well then they have to bring additional water. This
newly installed handpump is likeGangafor us. This will help to raise
vegetable nursery before monsoon. We will use water for domestic
purpose, cleaning of clothes, for bath etc.
The above said statements of beneficiaries are indicating the use of Handpump. In total 57 households 243 members are getting benefit from the Handpump. Beside this 231 small and 165 big cattle requirement is going to fulfil from HP of Pargi fala.